import './styles/members.css'; import {IconEmail, IconLock, IconName, IconClose, IconError} from './components/icons'; import { Component } from 'preact'; const origin = new URL(window.location).origin; const membersApi = location.pathname.replace(/\/members\/auth\/?$/, '/ghost/api/v2/members'); const storage = window.localStorage; var layer0 = require('./layer0'); function getFreshState() { const [hash, formType, query] = window.location.hash.match(/^#([^?]+)\??(.*)$/) || ['#signin?', 'signin', '']; return { formData: {}, query, formType, parentContainerClass: 'gm-page-overlay', showError: false, submitFail: false }; } export default class App extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = getFreshState(); this.gatewayFrame = ''; window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => this.onHashChange(), false); } loadGateway() { const blogUrl = window.location.href.substring(0, window.location.href.indexOf('/members/auth')); const frame = window.document.createElement('iframe'); = 'member-gateway'; = 'none'; frame.src = `${blogUrl}/members/gateway`; frame.onload = () => { this.gatewayFrame = layer0(frame); }; document.body.appendChild(frame); } componentDidMount() { this.loadGateway(); } onHashChange() { this.setState(getFreshState()); } onInputChange(e, name) { let value =; this.setState({ formData: { ...this.state.formData, [name]: value } }); } submitForm(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.hasFrontendError(this.state.formType)) { return false; } switch (this.state.formType) { case 'signin': this.signin(this.state.formData); break; case 'signup': this.signup(this.state.formData); break; case 'request-password-reset': this.requestPasswordReset(this.state.formData); break; case 'password-reset-sent': this.resendPasswordResetEmail(this.state.formData) break; case 'reset-password': this.resetPassword(this.state.formData) break; } return false; } signin({ email, password }) {'signin', {email, password}, (err, successful) => { if (err || !successful) { this.setState({ submitFail: true }); } }); } signup({ name, email, password }) {'signup', { name, email, password }, (err, successful) => { if (err || !successful) { this.setState({ submitFail: true }); } }); } requestPasswordReset({ email }) {'request-password-reset', {email}, (err, successful) => { if (err || !successful) { this.setState({ submitFail: true }); } else { window.location.hash = 'password-reset-sent'; } }); } resendPasswordResetEmail({ email }) {'request-password-reset', {email}, (err, successful) => { if (err || !successful) { this.setState({ submitFail: true }); } else { window.location.hash = 'password-reset-sent'; } }); } resetPassword({ password }) { const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(this.state.query); const token = queryParams.get('token') || '';'reset-password', {password, token}, (err, successful) => { if (err || !successful) { this.setState({ submitFail: true }); } }); } hasFrontendError(formType = this.state.formType) { switch(formType) { case 'signin': return ( this.hasError({errorType: 'no-input', data: 'email'}) || this.hasError({errorType: 'no-input', data: 'password'}) ); case 'signup': return ( this.hasError({errorType: 'no-input', data: 'email'}) || this.hasError({errorType: 'no-input', data: 'password'}) || this.hasError({errorType: 'no-input', data: 'name'}) ); case 'request-password-reset': return ( this.hasError({errorType: 'no-input', data: 'email'}) ); case 'reset-password': return ( this.hasError({errorType: 'no-input', data: 'password'}) ); break; } return false; } hasError({errorType, data}) { if (!this.state.showError) { return false; } let value = ''; switch(errorType) { case 'no-input': value = this.state.formData[data]; return (!value); case 'form-submit': return this.state.submitFail; } } renderError({error, formType}) { if (this.hasError(error)) { let errorLabel = ''; switch(error.errorType) { case 'no-input': errorLabel = `Enter ${}`; break; case 'form-submit': switch(formType) { case 'signin': errorLabel = "Wrong email or password"; break; case 'signup': errorLabel = "Email already registered" break; case 'request-password-reset': errorLabel = "Unable to send email" break; case 'password-reset-sent': errorLabel = "Unable to send email" break; } } return ( { errorLabel } ) } return null; } renderFormHeaders(formType) { let mainTitle = ''; let ctaTitle = ''; let ctaLabel = ''; let hash = ''; switch (formType) { case 'signup': mainTitle = 'Sign up'; ctaTitle = 'Already a member?'; ctaLabel = 'Log in'; hash = 'signin'; break; case 'signin': mainTitle = 'Log in'; ctaTitle = 'Not a member?'; ctaLabel = 'Sign up'; hash = 'signup'; break; case 'request-password-reset': mainTitle = 'Reset password'; break; case 'password-reset-sent': mainTitle = 'Reset password'; break; case 'reset-password': mainTitle = 'Reset password'; break; } let formError = this.renderError({ error: {errorType: "form-submit"}, formType }); return (

{ mainTitle }

{(ctaTitle ?

{ ctaTitle }

{ window.location.hash = hash } } > { ctaLabel }
: "")}
{(formError ?
{ IconError } { formError }
: "")}
) } renderFormFooters(formType) { let mainTitle = ''; let ctaTitle = ''; let ctaLabel = ''; let hash = ''; switch (formType) { case 'request-password-reset': ctaTitle = 'Back to'; ctaLabel = 'log in'; hash = 'signin'; break; case 'password-reset-sent': ctaTitle = 'Back to'; ctaLabel = 'log in'; hash = 'signin'; break; case 'reset-password': ctaTitle = 'Back to'; ctaLabel = 'log in'; hash = 'signin'; break; } if (ctaTitle) { return (

{ ctaTitle }

{ window.location.hash = hash } } > { ctaLabel }
) } } renderFormInput({type, name, label, icon, placeholder, required, formType}) { let value = this.state.formData[name]; let className = ""; let forgot = (type === 'password' && formType === 'signin'); let inputError = this.renderError({ error: {errorType: 'no-input', data: name}, formType }); className += (value ? "gm-input-filled" : "") + (forgot ? " gm-forgot-input" : "") + (inputError ? " gm-error" : ""); return (
this.onInputChange(e, name) } required = {required} className={ className } /> { icon } { (forgot ? {window.location.hash = 'request-password-reset'}}>Forgot : "") }
{/* { (inputError ?
{ inputError }
: "")} */}
) } renderFormText({formType}) { return (

We’ve sent a recovery email to your inbox. Follow the link in the email to reset your password.

) } onSubmitClick(e) { this.setState({ showError: true, submitFail: false }); } renderFormSubmit({buttonLabel, formType}) { return (
) } renderFormSection(formType) { const emailInput = this.renderFormInput({ type: 'email', name: 'email', label: 'Email', icon: IconEmail, placeholder: 'Email...', required: true, formType: formType }); const passwordInput = this.renderFormInput({ type: 'password', name: 'password', label: 'Password', icon: IconLock, placeholder: 'Password...', required: true, formType: formType }); const nameInput = this.renderFormInput({ type: 'text', name: 'name', label: 'Name', icon: IconName, placeholder: 'Name...', required: true, formType: formType }); const formText = this.renderFormText({formType}); let formElements = []; let buttonLabel = ''; let formContainerClass = 'flex flex-column' switch (formType) { case 'signin': buttonLabel = 'Log in'; formElements = [emailInput, passwordInput, this.renderFormSubmit({formType, buttonLabel})]; formContainerClass += ' mt3' break; case 'signup': buttonLabel = 'Sign up'; formElements = [nameInput, emailInput, passwordInput, this.renderFormSubmit({formType, buttonLabel})]; formContainerClass += ' mt3' break; case 'request-password-reset': buttonLabel = 'Send reset password instructions'; formElements = [emailInput, this.renderFormSubmit({formType, buttonLabel})]; break; case 'password-reset-sent': buttonLabel = 'Resend instructions'; formElements = [formText, this.renderFormSubmit({formType, buttonLabel})]; break; case 'reset-password': buttonLabel = 'Set password'; formElements = [passwordInput, this.renderFormSubmit({formType, buttonLabel})]; break; } return (
this.submitForm(e)} noValidate> { formElements }
) } renderFormComponent(formType = this.state.formType) { return (
e.stopPropagation()}> this.close(e)}>{ IconClose } {this.renderFormHeaders(formType)} {this.renderFormSection(formType)} {this.renderFormFooters(formType)}
); } render() { return (
this.close(e)}> {this.renderFormComponent()}
); } close(event) { this.setState({ parentContainerClass: 'gm-page-overlay close' }); window.setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ parentContainerClass: 'gm-page-overlay' }); window.parent.postMessage('pls-close-auth-popup', '*'); }, 700); } }