const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const express = require('express'); const SessionService = require('../'); describe('SessionService', function () { it('Returns the user for the id stored on the session', async function () { const getSession = async (req) => { if (req.session) { return req.session; } req.session = { destroy: sinon.spy(cb => cb()) }; return req.session; }; const findUserById = sinon.spy(async ({id}) => ({id})); const getOriginOfRequest = sinon.stub().returns('origin'); const sessionService = SessionService({ getSession, findUserById, getOriginOfRequest }); const req = Object.create(express.request, { ip: { value: '' }, headers: { value: { cookie: 'thing' } }, get: { value: () => 'Fake' } }); const res = Object.create(express.response); const user = {id: 'egg'}; await sessionService.createSessionForUser(req, res, user); should.equal(req.session.user_id, 'egg'); const actualUser = await sessionService.getUserForSession(req, res); should.ok(findUserById.calledWith(sinon.match({id: 'egg'}))); const expectedUser = await findUserById.returnValues[0]; should.equal(actualUser, expectedUser); await sessionService.destroyCurrentSession(req, res); should.ok(req.session.destroy.calledOnce); }); });