const _ = require('lodash'); const nql = require('@nexes/nql'); /* * Returns the replacement value for input, or input if it doesn't exist */ function replaceValue(input, valueMappings) { const replacer = valueMappings.find(({from}) => from === input); return replacer && || input; } function fmap(item, fn) { return Array.isArray(item) ? : fn(item); } function mapKeysAndValues(input, mapping) { return nql.utils.mapQuery(input, function (value, key) { // Ignore everything that has nothing to do with our mapping if (key !== mapping.key.from) { return { [key]: value }; } // key: valueA if (typeof value !== 'object') { return { []: replaceValue(value, mapping.values) }; } // key: { "$in": ['valueA', 'valueB'] } // key: { "$ne": 'valueA' } return { []: _.reduce(value, (memo, objValue, objKey) => { return Object.assign(memo, { [objKey]: fmap(objValue, item => replaceValue(item, mapping.values)) }); }, {}) }; }); } module.exports = mapping => input => mapKeysAndValues(input, mapping);