const emojiRegex = require('emoji-regex'); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const _ = require('lodash'); const {IncorrectUsageError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const timestamp = /^[0-9]{10} /; const separator = /^\* /; const hash = /^\[[0-9a-f]{0,10}\]/; const url = /^\(https?:\/\/[^)]+\) /; const getCommitMessageFromLine = line => line .replace(timestamp, '') .replace(separator, '') .replace(hash, '') .replace(url, ''); const emojiOrder = ['💡', '🐛', '🎨', '💄', '✨', '🔒']; module.exports.filterEmojiCommits = (content) => { if (!_.isArray(content)) { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Expected array of strings.' }); } return content.reduce((emojiLines, currentLine) => { const commitMessage = getCommitMessageFromLine(currentLine); const match = emojiRegex().exec(commitMessage); if (match && match.index === 0) { return emojiLines.concat(`* ${commitMessage}`); } return emojiLines; }, []); }; module.exports.sortByEmoji = (content) => { if (!_.isArray(content)) { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Expected array of strings.' }); } content.sort((a, b) => { let firstEmoji = [...a][2]; let secondEmoji = [...b][2]; let firstEmojiIndex = _.indexOf(emojiOrder, firstEmoji); let secondEmojiIndex = _.indexOf(emojiOrder, secondEmoji); return secondEmojiIndex - firstEmojiIndex; }); }; module.exports.checkMissingOptions = (options = {}, ...requiredFields) => { const missing = requiredFields.filter((requiredField) => { return !_.get(options, requiredField); }); if (missing.length) { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: `Missing options: ${missing.join(', ')}` }); } }; module.exports.getFinalChangelog = function getFinalChangelog(options) { let filterEmojiCommits = true; let changelog = fs.readFileSync(options.changelogPath).toString('utf8').split(os.EOL); let finalChangelog = []; if (, 'filterEmojiCommits')) { filterEmojiCommits = options.filterEmojiCommits; } // @NOTE: optional array of string lines, which we pre-pend if (, 'content') && _.isArray(options.content)) { finalChangelog = finalChangelog.concat(options.content); } if (filterEmojiCommits) { changelog = module.exports.filterEmojiCommits(changelog); module.exports.sortByEmoji(changelog); } if (_.isEmpty(changelog)) { changelog = ['This release contains fixes for minor bugs and issues reported by Ghost users.']; } finalChangelog = finalChangelog.concat(changelog); return finalChangelog; };