const api = require('./api'); module.exports = class StripePaymentProcessor { constructor(config) { this._ready = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolveReady = resolve; this._rejectReady = reject; }); this._configure(config); } async ready() { return this._ready; } async _configure(config) { this._stripe = require('stripe')(config.secretKey); this._stripe.__TEST_MODE__ = config.secretKey.startsWith('sk_test_'); this._public_token = config.publicKey; this._checkoutSuccessUrl = config.checkoutSuccessUrl; this._checkoutCancelUrl = config.checkoutCancelUrl; this._webhookHandlerUrl = config.webhookHandlerUrl; try { this._product = await api.products.ensure(this._stripe, config.product); this._plans = []; for (const planSpec of config.plans) { const plan = await api.plans.ensure(this._stripe, planSpec, this._product); this._plans.push(plan); } try { // @TODO Need to somehow not duplicate this every time we boot const webhook = await create(this._stripe, 'webhookEndpoints', { url: this._webhookHandlerUrl, enabled_events: ['checkout.session.completed'] }); this._webhookSecret = webhook.secret; } catch (err) { console.log(err); this._webhookSecret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET; } } catch (err) { return this._rejectReady(err); } return this._resolveReady({ product: this._product, plans: this._plans }); } getPublicConfig() { return { publicKey: this._public_token, plans:{id, currency, amount, interval, nickname}) => ({ id, currency, amount, interval, name: nickname })) }; } async parseWebhook(body, signature) { return this._stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(body, signature, this._webhookSecret); } async createCheckoutSession(member, planName) { const customer = await api.customers.ensure(this._stripe, member,; const plan = this._plans.find(plan => plan.nickname === planName); const session = await this._stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ payment_method_types: ['card'], success_url: this._checkoutSuccessUrl, cancel_url: this._checkoutCancelUrl, customer:, subscription_data: { items: [{ plan: }] } }); return session; } };