const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid').default; const messages = { missingMemberId: 'A memberId must be provided for analytic events', invalidEventName: 'Analytic events must be provided a "name"', missingSourceUrl: 'A sourceUrl must be provided for analytic events', invalidMemberStatus: 'A memberStatus of either "free", "paid" or "comped" must be provided' }; /** * @typedef {object} AnalyticEventProps * @prop {ObjectID} id * @prop {string} name * @prop {Date} timestamp * @prop {ObjectID} memberId * @prop {'free'|'comped'|'paid'} memberStatus * @prop {ObjectID | null} entryId * @prop {string} sourceUrl * @prop {string | null} metadata */ class AnalyticEvent { get id() { return; } get name() { return; } get timestamp() { return this.props.timestamp; } get memberId() { return this.props.memberId.toHexString(); } get memberStatus() { return this.props.memberStatus; } get entryId() { return this.props.entryId.toHexString(); } get sourceUrl() { return this.props.sourceUrl; } get metadata() { return this.props.metadata; } get isNew() { return !!this.options.isNew; } /** * @param {AnalyticEventProps} props * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} options.isNew */ constructor(props, options) { this.props = props; this.options = options; } /** * @param {object} data * @param {ObjectID | string} [] * @param {ObjectID | string} [data.entryId] * @param {string} [data.metadata] * @param {ObjectID | string} data.memberId * @param {string} data.sourceUrl * @param {string} * @param {string} data.memberStatus * @param {Date} [data.timestamp] */ static create(data) { let isNew = false; let id; if ( instanceof ObjectID) { id =; } else if (typeof === 'string') { id = new ObjectID(; } else { id = new ObjectID(); isNew = true; } let memberId; if (data.memberId instanceof ObjectID) { memberId = data.memberId; } else if (typeof data.memberId === 'string') { memberId = new ObjectID(data.memberId); } else { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError(tpl(messages.missingMemberId)); } let entryId; if (data.entryId instanceof ObjectID) { entryId = data.entryId; } else if (typeof data.entryId === 'string') { entryId = new ObjectID(data.entryId); } else { entryId = null; } const name =; if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError(tpl(messages.invalidEventName)); } const timestamp = data.timestamp || new Date(); const sourceUrl = data.sourceUrl; if (!sourceUrl) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError(tpl(messages.missingSourceUrl)); } const memberStatus = data.memberStatus; if (memberStatus !== 'free' && memberStatus !== 'paid' && memberStatus !== 'comped') { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError(tpl(messages.invalidMemberStatus)); } const metadata = data.metadata || null; return new AnalyticEvent({ id, name, timestamp, memberId, memberStatus, entryId, sourceUrl, metadata }, { isNew }); } } module.exports = AnalyticEvent;