/* jshint scripturl:true */ import { expect } from 'chai'; import { describeComponent, it } from 'ember-mocha'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import Ember from 'ember'; const {run} = Ember; // we want baseUrl to match the running domain so relative URLs are // handled as expected (browser auto-sets the domain when using a.href) let currentUrl = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}/`; describeComponent( 'gh-navitem-url-input', 'Integration: Component: gh-navitem-url-input', { integration: true }, function () { beforeEach(function () { // set defaults this.set('baseUrl', currentUrl); this.set('url', ''); this.set('isNew', false); this.on('clearErrors', function () { return null; }); }); it('renders correctly with blank url', function () { this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); expect($input).to.have.length(1); expect($input.hasClass('gh-input')).to.be.true; expect($input.val()).to.equal(currentUrl); }); it('renders correctly with relative urls', function () { this.set('url', '/about'); this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); expect($input.val()).to.equal(`${currentUrl}about`); this.set('url', '/about#contact'); expect($input.val()).to.equal(`${currentUrl}about#contact`); }); it('renders correctly with absolute urls', function () { this.set('url', 'https://example.com:2368/#test'); this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); expect($input.val()).to.equal('https://example.com:2368/#test'); this.set('url', 'mailto:test@example.com'); expect($input.val()).to.equal('mailto:test@example.com'); this.set('url', 'tel:01234-5678-90'); expect($input.val()).to.equal('tel:01234-5678-90'); this.set('url', '//protocol-less-url.com'); expect($input.val()).to.equal('//protocol-less-url.com'); this.set('url', '#anchor'); expect($input.val()).to.equal('#anchor'); }); it('deletes base URL on backspace', function () { this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); expect($input.val()).to.equal(currentUrl); run(() => { // TODO: why is ember's keyEvent helper not available here? let e = Ember.$.Event('keydown'); e.keyCode = 8; $input.trigger(e); }); expect($input.val()).to.equal(''); }); it('deletes base URL on delete', function () { this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); expect($input.val()).to.equal(currentUrl); run(() => { // TODO: why is ember's keyEvent helper not available here? let e = Ember.$.Event('keydown'); e.keyCode = 46; $input.trigger(e); }); expect($input.val()).to.equal(''); }); it('adds base url to relative urls on blur', function () { this.on('updateUrl', () => { return null; }); this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); run(() => { $input.val('/about').trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); expect($input.val()).to.equal(`${currentUrl}about`); }); it('adds "mailto:" to email addresses on blur', function () { this.on('updateUrl', () => { return null; }); this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); run(() => { $input.val('test@example.com').trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); expect($input.val()).to.equal('mailto:test@example.com'); // ensure we don't double-up on the mailto: run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); expect($input.val()).to.equal('mailto:test@example.com'); }); it('doesn\'t add base url to invalid urls on blur', function () { this.on('updateUrl', () => { return null; }); this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let changeValue = function (value) { run(() => { $input.val(value).trigger('input').trigger('blur'); }); }; changeValue('with spaces'); expect($input.val()).to.equal('with spaces'); changeValue('/with spaces'); expect($input.val()).to.equal('/with spaces'); }); it('doesn\'t mangle invalid urls on blur', function () { this.on('updateUrl', () => { return null; }); this.render(hbs` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); run(() => { $input.val(`${currentUrl} /test`).trigger('input').trigger('blur'); }); expect($input.val()).to.equal(`${currentUrl} /test`); }); it('triggers "change" action on blur', function () { let changeActionCallCount = 0; this.on('updateUrl', () => { changeActionCallCount++; }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); $input.trigger('blur'); expect(changeActionCallCount).to.equal(1); }); it('triggers "change" action on enter', function () { let changeActionCallCount = 0; this.on('updateUrl', () => { changeActionCallCount++; }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); run(() => { // TODO: why is ember's keyEvent helper not available here? let e = Ember.$.Event('keypress'); e.keyCode = 13; $input.trigger(e); }); expect(changeActionCallCount).to.equal(1); }); it('triggers "change" action on CMD-S', function () { let changeActionCallCount = 0; this.on('updateUrl', () => { changeActionCallCount++; }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); run(() => { // TODO: why is ember's keyEvent helper not available here? let e = Ember.$.Event('keydown'); e.keyCode = 83; e.metaKey = true; $input.trigger(e); }); expect(changeActionCallCount).to.equal(1); }); it('sends absolute urls straight through to change action', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let testUrl = (url) => { expectedUrl = url; run(() => { $input.val(url).trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); }; testUrl('http://example.com'); testUrl('http://example.com/'); testUrl('https://example.com'); testUrl('//example.com'); testUrl('//localhost:1234'); testUrl('#anchor'); testUrl('mailto:test@example.com'); testUrl('tel:12345-567890'); testUrl('javascript:alert("testing");'); }); it('strips base url from relative urls before sending to change action', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let testUrl = (url) => { expectedUrl = `/${url}`; run(() => { $input.val(`${currentUrl}${url}`).trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); }; testUrl('about/'); testUrl('about#contact'); testUrl('test/nested/'); }); it('handles links to subdomains of blog domain', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.set('baseUrl', 'http://example.com/'); this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); expectedUrl = 'http://test.example.com/'; run(() => { $input.val(expectedUrl).trigger('input').trigger('blur'); }); expect($input.val()).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); it('adds trailing slash to relative URL', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let testUrl = (url) => { expectedUrl = `/${url}/`; run(() => { $input.val(`${currentUrl}${url}`).trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); }; testUrl('about'); testUrl('test/nested'); }); it('does not add trailing slash on relative URL with [.?#]', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let testUrl = (url) => { expectedUrl = `/${url}`; run(() => { $input.val(`${currentUrl}${url}`).trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); }; testUrl('about#contact'); testUrl('test/nested.svg'); testUrl('test?gho=sties'); testUrl('test/nested?sli=mer'); }); it('does not add trailing slash on non-relative URLs', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let testUrl = (url) => { expectedUrl = `/${url}`; run(() => { $input.val(`${currentUrl}${url}`).trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); }; testUrl('http://woo.ff/test'); testUrl('http://me.ow:2342/nested/test'); testUrl('https://wro.om/car#race'); testUrl('https://kabo.om/explosion?really=now'); }); describe('with sub-folder baseUrl', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.set('baseUrl', `${currentUrl}blog/`); }); it('handles URLs relative to base url', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let testUrl = (url) => { expectedUrl = url; run(() => { $input.val(`${currentUrl}blog${url}`).trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); }; testUrl('/about/'); testUrl('/about#contact'); testUrl('/test/nested/'); }); it('handles URLs relative to base host', function () { let expectedUrl = ''; this.on('updateUrl', (url) => { expect(url).to.equal(expectedUrl); }); this.render(hbs ` {{gh-navitem-url-input baseUrl=baseUrl url=url isNew=isNew change="updateUrl" clearErrors=(action "clearErrors")}} `); let $input = this.$('input'); let testUrl = (url) => { expectedUrl = url; run(() => { $input.val(url).trigger('input'); }); run(() => { $input.trigger('blur'); }); }; testUrl(`http://${window.location.host}`); testUrl(`https://${window.location.host}`); testUrl(`http://${window.location.host}/`); testUrl(`https://${window.location.host}/`); testUrl(`http://${window.location.host}/test`); testUrl(`https://${window.location.host}/test`); testUrl(`http://${window.location.host}/#test`); testUrl(`https://${window.location.host}/#test`); testUrl(`http://${window.location.host}/another/folder`); testUrl(`https://${window.location.host}/another/folder`); }); }); } );