DESCRIPTION > Summary with general KPIs per date, including visits, page views, bounce rate and average session duration. Accepts `date_from` and `date_to` date filter, all historical data if not passed. Daily granularity, except when filtering one single day (hourly) TOKEN "dashboard" READ NODE timeseries DESCRIPTION > Generate a timeseries for the specified time range, so we call fill empty data points. Filters "future" data points. SQL > % {% set _single_day = defined(date_from) and day_diff(date_from, date_to) == 0 %} with {% if defined(date_from) %} toStartOfDay( toDate( {{ Date( date_from, description="Starting day for filtering a date range", required=False, ) }} ) ) as start, {% else %} toStartOfDay(timestampAdd(today(), interval -7 day)) as start, {% end %} {% if defined(date_to) %} toStartOfDay( toDate( {{ Date( date_to, description="Finishing day for filtering a date range", required=False, ) }} ) ) as end {% else %} toStartOfDay(today()) as end {% end %} {% if _single_day %} select arrayJoin( arrayMap( x -> toDateTime(x), range( toUInt32(toDateTime(start)), toUInt32(timestampAdd(end, interval 1 day)), 3600 ) ) ) as date {% else %} select arrayJoin( arrayMap( x -> toDate(x), range(toUInt32(start), toUInt32(timestampAdd(end, interval 1 day)), 24 * 3600) ) ) as date {% end %} where date <= now() NODE hits DESCRIPTION > Group by sessions and calculate metrics at that level SQL > % {% if defined(date_from) and day_diff(date_from, date_to) == 0 %} select site_uuid, toStartOfHour(timestamp) as date, session_id, uniq(session_id) as visits, count() as pageviews, case when min(timestamp) = max(timestamp) then 1 else 0 end as is_bounce, max(timestamp) as latest_hit_aux, min(timestamp) as first_hit_aux from analytics_hits where toDate(timestamp) = {{ Date(date_from) }} group by toStartOfHour(timestamp), session_id, site_uuid {% else %} select site_uuid, date, session_id, uniq(session_id) as visits, countMerge(hits) as pageviews, case when min(first_hit) = max(latest_hit) then 1 else 0 end as is_bounce, max(latest_hit) as latest_hit_aux, min(first_hit) as first_hit_aux from analytics_sessions_mv where {% if defined(date_from) %} date >= {{ Date(date_from) }} {% else %} date >= timestampAdd(today(), interval -7 day) {% end %} {% if defined(date_to) %} and date <= {{ Date(date_to) }} {% else %} and date <= today() {% end %} group by date, session_id, site_uuid {% end %} NODE data DESCRIPTION > General KPIs per date, works for both summary metrics and trends charts. SQL > select site_uuid, date, uniq(session_id) as visits, sum(pageviews) as pageviews, sum(case when latest_hit_aux = first_hit_aux then 1 end) / visits as bounce_rate, avg(latest_hit_aux - first_hit_aux) as avg_session_sec from hits group by date, site_uuid NODE endpoint DESCRIPTION > Join and generate timeseries with metrics SQL > % select, b.visits, b.pageviews, b.bounce_rate, b.avg_session_sec from timeseries a left join data b using date where site_uuid = {{String(site_uuid, 'mock_site_uuid', description="Tenant ID", required=True)}}