const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); module.exports = class MemberController { /** * @param {object} deps * @param {any} deps.memberRepository * @param {any} deps.productRepository * @param {any} deps.paymentsService * @param {any} deps.tiersService * @param {any} deps.StripePrice * @param {any} deps.tokenService * @param {any} deps.sendEmailWithMagicLink */ constructor({ memberRepository, productRepository, paymentsService, tiersService, StripePrice, tokenService, sendEmailWithMagicLink }) { this._memberRepository = memberRepository; this._productRepository = productRepository; this._paymentsService = paymentsService; this._tiersService = tiersService; this._StripePrice = StripePrice; this._tokenService = tokenService; this._sendEmailWithMagicLink = sendEmailWithMagicLink; } async updateEmailAddress(req, res) { const identity = req.body.identity; const email =; const options = { forceEmailType: true }; if (!identity) { res.writeHead(403); return res.end('No Permission.'); } let tokenData = {}; try { const member = await this._memberRepository.getByToken(identity); tokenData.oldEmail = member.get('email'); } catch (err) { res.writeHead(401); return res.end('Unauthorized.'); } try { await this._sendEmailWithMagicLink({email, tokenData, requestedType: 'updateEmail', options}); res.writeHead(201); return res.end('Created.'); } catch (err) { res.writeHead(500); return res.end('Internal Server Error.'); } } async updateSubscription(req, res) { try { const identity = req.body.identity; const subscriptionId =; const cancelAtPeriodEnd = req.body.cancel_at_period_end; const smartCancel = req.body.smart_cancel; const cancellationReason = req.body.cancellation_reason; let ghostPriceId = req.body.priceId; const tierId = req.body.tierId; const cadence = req.body.cadence; if (cancelAtPeriodEnd === undefined && ghostPriceId === undefined && smartCancel === undefined && tierId === undefined && cadence === undefined) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed!', help: 'Request should contain "cancel_at_period_end" or "priceId" or "smart_cancel" field.' }); } if ((cancelAtPeriodEnd === undefined || cancelAtPeriodEnd === false) && !smartCancel && cancellationReason !== undefined) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed!', help: '"cancellation_reason" field requires the "cancel_at_period_end" or "smart_cancel" field to be true.' }); } if (cancellationReason && cancellationReason.length > 500) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed!', help: '"cancellation_reason" field can be a maximum of 500 characters.' }); } let email; try { if (!identity) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed! Could not find member' }); } const claims = await this._tokenService.decodeToken(identity); email = claims && claims.sub; } catch (err) { res.writeHead(401); return res.end('Unauthorized'); } if (!email) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Invalid token' }); } if (tierId && cadence) { const tier = await; const stripePrice = await this._paymentsService.getPriceForTierCadence(tier, cadence); await this._memberRepository.updateSubscription({ email, subscription: { subscription_id: subscriptionId, price: } }); } else if (ghostPriceId !== undefined) { const price = await this._StripePrice.findOne({ id: ghostPriceId }); if (!price) { res.writeHead(404); return res.end('Not Found.'); } const priceId = price.get('stripe_price_id'); const product = await this._productRepository.get({stripe_price_id: priceId}); if (product.get('active') !== true) { res.writeHead(403); return res.end('Tier is archived.'); } await this._memberRepository.updateSubscription({ email, subscription: { subscription_id: subscriptionId, price: priceId } }); } else if (cancelAtPeriodEnd !== undefined) { await this._memberRepository.updateSubscription({ email, subscription: { subscription_id: subscriptionId, cancel_at_period_end: cancelAtPeriodEnd, cancellationReason } }); } else if (smartCancel) { const currentSubscription = await this._memberRepository.getSubscription({ email, subscription: { subscription_id: subscriptionId } }); if (['past_due', 'unpaid'].includes(currentSubscription.status)) { await this._memberRepository.cancelSubscription({ email, subscription: { subscription_id: subscriptionId, cancellationReason } }); } else { await this._memberRepository.updateSubscription({ email, subscription: { subscription_id: subscriptionId, cancel_at_period_end: true, cancellationReason } }); } } res.writeHead(204); res.end(); } catch (err) { res.writeHead(err.statusCode || 500, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' }); res.end(err.message); } } };