- There are couple of reasons why we don't want to include the query string information in the outgoing notification emails:
- 1. Security - we can expose the Content API key to an unauthorized person. The emails go out to administrators, so they have access to this data anyway. But for example they might forward full email content to someone from “tech team” or whoever is not really authorized to see it.
2. It looks a bit ugly and could be waaay to long breaking the email layou
- The version mismatch middleware middleware is the best place where the information can be assembled for the APIVersionCompatibilityService to handle. We need API key identification information to be able to pick up the integration name when sending a notification email to the administrators
- There was a typo in the variable name - req.originalURL is NOT does not exist on express' reqest object
- Added tests to avoid similar mistake again
- This middleware is meant to deal with version missmatch erros and call a service that does all the business logic. Having this handling in a separate module allows for thisngs to be loosely coupled