refs. [d6c22df](d6c22df6d7)
- added icons for members and pages
- improved view site link visibility
- added view site to logo dropdown
- updated all navigation and logo menu icons
- rename 'team' to 'staff'
- lots of design refinement and update (colors, shadows)
no issue
- attempt to fix the "Cannot set property 'modeOption' of undefined" error by telling CM to replace the textarea element rather than appending to the wrapper and having Ember replace the textarea
no issue
- added `page` model
- removed `page` param from Post model
- added pages screen with associated links
- added `:type` param to editor screens to work with the right models
- removed post<->page toggle and associated tour item
no issue
- lazy loaded scripts such as the CodeMirror asset used on the Code Injection screen could throw errors such as `TypeError: Cannot set property 'modeOption' of undefined`
- this was caused by "loading" promise returned from the `lazyLoader` service returning as soon as the network request finished which can be before the loaded script has been parsed and run meaning any processing occurring after the promise returns could be depending on unloaded code
- switched the lazyLoader service's loading mechanism from an ajax fetch to insertion of a `<script>` tag which can have `load` event attached which _will_ return after parsing/loading has completed
no issue
- Ember's TextSupport mixin (used by TextField and TextArea) has had `autofocus` as an `attributeBinding` since 1.5.0 so the override to add it is not necessary
- place email field directly above password field
- enable email field and do not set an initial value requiring user to type-in/auto-fill the email for Chrome to recognise it
- call `loadNew()` when initialising the `unsplash` service. Services are lazy-initialised so this is only called when the service is first injected which happens when the `<GhUnsplash>` component is first rendered
- ensure signup task is always initiated via form submit
- adds `defaultClick` option to `<GhTaskButton>` that allows the click event to bubble
- adds `autocomplete` values to signup form fields that match up to the spec
- "name/display-name": `name`
- "email": `username email`
- "password": `new-password` / `current-password` depending on context
- 🔥 no-longer-relevant hacks for Chrome autocomplete
- this still doesn't fix Chrome remembering the incorrect username unfortunately. Chrome will always select the input previous to the password that has had actual user input as the "username"
- 🔥 unused `authenticate` task in signup controller