#!/usr/bin/env bash #=============================================================================== # FILE: samba.sh # # USAGE: ./samba.sh # # DESCRIPTION: Entrypoint for samba docker container # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: --- # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: David Personette (dperson@gmail.com), # ORGANIZATION: # CREATED: 09/28/2014 12:11 # REVISION: 1.0 #=============================================================================== set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error ### charmap: setup character mapping for file/directory names # Arguments: # chars) from:to character mappings separated by ',' # Return: configured character mapings charmap() { local chars="$1" file=/etc/samba/smb.conf grep -q catia $file || sed -i '/TCP_NODELAY/a \ \ vfs objects = catia\ catia:mappings =\ ' $file sed -i '/catia:mappings/s/ =.*/ = '"$chars" $file } ### global: set a global config option # Arguments: # option) raw option # Return: line added to smb.conf (replaces existing line with same key) global() { local key="${1%%=*}" value="${1#*=}" file=/etc/samba/smb.conf if grep -qE '^;*\s*'"$key" "$file"; then sed -i 's|^;*\s*'"$key"'.*| '"${key% } = ${value# }"'|' "$file" else sed -i '/\[global\]/a \ '"${key% } = ${value# }" "$file" fi } ### import: import a smbpasswd file # Arguments: # file) file to import # Return: user(s) added to container import() { local name id file="$1" while read name id; do grep -q "^$name:" /etc/passwd || adduser -D -H -u "$id" "$name" done < <(cut -d: -f1,2 $file | sed 's/:/ /') pdbedit -i smbpasswd:$file } ### perms: fix ownership and permissions of share paths # Arguments: # none) # Return: result perms() { local i file=/etc/samba/smb.conf for i in $(awk -F ' = ' '/ path = / {print $2}' $file); do chown -Rh smbuser. $i find $i -type d ! -perm 775 -exec chmod 775 {} \; find $i -type f ! -perm 0664 -exec chmod 0664 {} \; done } ### recycle: disable recycle bin # Arguments: # none) # Return: result recycle() { local file=/etc/samba/smb.conf sed -i '/recycle/d; /vfs/d' $file } ### share: Add share # Arguments: # share) share name # path) path to share # browsable) 'yes' or 'no' # readonly) 'yes' or 'no' # guest) 'yes' or 'no' # users) list of allowed users # admins) list of admin users # writelist) list of users that can write to a RO share # comment) description of share # Return: result share() { local share="$1" path="$2" browsable=${3:-yes} ro=${4:-yes} \ guest=${5:-yes} users=${6:-""} admins=${7:-""} \ writelist=${8:-""} comment=${9:-""} file=/etc/samba/smb.conf sed -i "/\\[$share\\]/,/^\$/d" $file echo "[$share]" >>$file echo " path = $path" >>$file echo " browsable = $browsable" >>$file echo " read only = $ro" >>$file echo " guest ok = $guest" >>$file echo -n " veto files = /._*/.apdisk/.AppleDouble/.DS_Store/" >>$file echo -n ".TemporaryItems/.Trashes/desktop.ini/ehthumbs.db/" >>$file echo "Network Trash Folder/Temporary Items/Thumbs.db/" >>$file echo " delete veto files = yes" >>$file [[ ${users:-""} && ! ${users:-""} =~ all ]] && echo " valid users = $(tr ',' ' ' <<< $users)" >>$file [[ ${admins:-""} && ! ${admins:-""} =~ none ]] && echo " admin users = $(tr ',' ' ' <<< $admins)" >>$file [[ ${writelist:-""} && ! ${writelist:-""} =~ none ]] && echo " write list = $(tr ',' ' ' <<< $writelist)" >>$file [[ ${comment:-""} && ! ${comment:-""} =~ none ]] && echo " comment = $(tr ',' ' ' <<< $comment)" >>$file echo "" >>$file [[ -d $path ]] || mkdir -p $path } ### smb: disable SMB2 minimum # Arguments: # none) # Return: result smb() { local file=/etc/samba/smb.conf sed -i '/min protocol/d' $file } ### user: add a user # Arguments: # name) for user # password) for user # id) for user # group) for user # Return: user added to container user() { local name="${1}" passwd="${2}" id="${3:-""}" group="${4:-""}" [[ "$group" ]] && { grep -q "^$group:" /etc/group || addgroup "$group"; } grep -q "^$name:" /etc/passwd || adduser -D -H ${group:+-G $group} ${id:+-u $id} "$name" echo -e "$passwd\n$passwd" | smbpasswd -s -a "$name" } ### workgroup: set the workgroup # Arguments: # workgroup) the name to set # Return: configure the correct workgroup workgroup() { local workgroup="${1}" file=/etc/samba/smb.conf sed -i 's|^\( *workgroup = \).*|\1'"$workgroup"'|' $file } ### widelinks: allow access wide symbolic links # Arguments: # none) # Return: result widelinks() { local file=/etc/samba/smb.conf \ replace='\1\n wide links = yes\n unix extensions = no' sed -i 's/\(follow symlinks = yes\)/'"$replace"'/' $file } ### usage: Help # Arguments: # none) # Return: Help text usage() { local RC=${1:-0} echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [-opt] [command] Options (fields in '[]' are optional, '<>' are required): -h This help -c \"\" setup character mapping for file/directory names required arg: \"\" character mappings separated by ',' -g \"\" Provide global option for smb.conf required arg: \"\" - IE: -g \"log level = 2\" -i \"\" Import smbpassword required arg: \"\" - full file path in container -n Start the 'nmbd' daemon to advertise the shares -p Set ownership and permissions on the shares -r Disable recycle bin for shares -S Disable SMB2 minimum version -s \"[;browse;readonly;guest;users;admins;writelist;comment]\" Configure a share required arg: \";\" is how it's called for clients path to share NOTE: for the default value, just leave blank [browsable] default:'yes' or 'no' [readonly] default:'yes' or 'no' [guest] allowed default:'yes' or 'no' [users] allowed default:'all' or list of allowed users [admins] allowed default:'none' or list of admin users [writelist] list of users that can write to a RO share [comment] description of share -u \"[;ID;group]\" Add a user required arg: \";\" for user for user [ID] for user [group] for user -w \"\" Configure the workgroup (domain) samba should use required arg: \"\" for samba -W Allow access wide symbolic links The 'command' (if provided and valid) will be run instead of samba " >&2 exit $RC } [[ "${USERID:-""}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && usermod -u $USERID -o smbuser [[ "${GROUPID:-""}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && groupmod -g $GROUPID -o users while getopts ":hc:g:i:nprs:Su:Ww:" opt; do case "$opt" in h) usage ;; c) charmap "$OPTARG" ;; g) global "$OPTARG" ;; i) import "$OPTARG" ;; n) NMBD="true" ;; p) PERMISSIONS="true" ;; r) recycle ;; s) eval share $(sed 's/^/"/; s/$/"/; s/;/" "/g' <<< $OPTARG) ;; S) smb ;; u) eval user $(sed 's/;/ /g' <<< $OPTARG) ;; w) workgroup "$OPTARG" ;; W) widelinks ;; "?") echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG"; usage 1 ;; ":") echo "No argument value for option: -$OPTARG"; usage 2 ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) [[ "${CHARMAP:-""}" ]] && charmap "$CHARMAP" [[ "${GLOBAL:-""}" ]] && global "$GLOBAL" [[ "${IMPORT:-""}" ]] && import "$IMPORT" [[ "${PERMISSIONS:-""}" ]] && perms [[ "${RECYCLE:-""}" ]] && recycle [[ "${SHARE:-""}" ]] && share $(sed 's/^/"/; s/$/"/; s/;/" "/g' <<< $SHARE) [[ "${SMB:-""}" ]] && smb [[ "${USER:-""}" ]] && user $(sed 's/;/ /g' <<< $USER) [[ "${WORKGROUP:-""}" ]] && workgroup "$WORKGROUP" [[ "${WIDELINKS:-""}" ]] && widelinks if [[ $# -ge 1 && -x $(which $1 2>&-) ]]; then exec "$@" elif [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then echo "ERROR: command not found: $1" exit 13 elif ps -ef | egrep -v grep | grep -q smbd; then echo "Service already running, please restart container to apply changes" else [[ ${NMBD:-""} ]] && ionice -c 3 nmbd -D exec ionice -c 3 smbd -FS