Merge pull request #5 from theone74/master

small fixes for normal work
This commit is contained in:
dperson 2015-04-23 11:50:06 -04:00
commit c6a9efa924

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error
# Return: result
share() { local share="$1" path="$2" browse=${3:-yes} ro=${4:-yes}\
guest=${5:-yes} users=${6:-""} file=/etc/samba/smb.conf
sed -i "/\\[$share\\]/,/^\$/d" $files
sed -i "/\\[$share\\]/,/^\$/d" $file
echo "[$share]" >> $file
echo " path = $path" >> $file
echo " browseable = $browse" >> $file
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ timezone() { local timezone="${1:-EST5EDT}"
# name) for user
# password) for user
# Return: user added to container
user() { local user="${1}" passwd="${2}"
user() { local name="${1}" passwd="${2}"
useradd "$name" -M
echo "$passwd" | tee - | smbpasswd -s -a "$name"
@ -90,10 +90,11 @@ The 'command' (if provided and valid) will be run instead of samba
exit $RC
while getopts ":ht:" opt; do
while getopts ":ht:u:s:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
h) usage ;;
s) eval share $(sed 's/^\|$/"/g; s/;/" "/g' <<< $OPTARG) ;;
u) eval user $(sed 's/;/ /g' <<< $OPTARG) ;;
t) timezone "$OPTARG" ;;
"?") echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG"; usage 1 ;;
":") echo "No argument value for option: -$OPTARG"; usage 2 ;;