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2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# USAGE: ./
# DESCRIPTION: Entrypoint for samba docker container
# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: David Personette (,
# CREATED: 09/28/2014 12:11
set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error
### import: import a smbpasswd file
# Arguments:
# file) file to import
# Return: user(s) added to container
import() { local name id file="${1}"
while read name id; do
useradd "$name" -M -u "$id"
done < <(cut -d: -f1,2 --output-delimiter=' ' $file)
pdbedit -i smbpasswd:$file
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
### share: Add share
# Arguments:
# share) share name
# path) path to share
# browseable) 'yes' or 'no'
# readonly) 'yes' or 'no'
# guest) 'yes' or 'no'
# users) list of allowed users
# Return: result
share() { local share="$1" path="$2" browse=${3:-yes} ro=${4:-yes}\
guest=${5:-yes} users=${6:-""} file=/etc/samba/smb.conf
2015-04-12 18:59:23 +03:00
sed -i "/\\[$share\\]/,/^\$/d" $file
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
echo "[$share]" >> $file
echo " path = $path" >> $file
echo " browseable = $browse" >> $file
echo " read only = $ro" >> $file
echo " guest ok = $guest" >> $file
[[ ${users:-""} ]] &&
echo " valid users = $(tr ',' ' ' <<< $users)" >> $file
echo -e "" >> $file
### timezone: Set the timezone for the container
# Arguments:
# timezone) for example EST5EDT
# Return: the correct zoneinfo file will be symlinked into place
timezone() { local timezone="${1:-EST5EDT}"
[[ -e /usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone ]] || {
echo "ERROR: invalid timezone specified" >&2
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone /etc/localtime
### user: add a user
# Arguments:
# name) for user
# password) for user
# Return: user added to container
2015-04-12 18:59:23 +03:00
user() { local name="${1}" passwd="${2}"
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
useradd "$name" -M
echo "$passwd" | tee - | smbpasswd -s -a "$name"
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
### usage: Help
# Arguments:
# none)
# Return: Help text
usage() { local RC=${1:-0}
echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [-opt] [command]
Options (fields in '[]' are optional, '<>' are required):
-h This help
-i \"<path>\" Import smbpassword
required arg: \"<path>\" - full file path in container to import
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
-s \"<name;/path>[;browse;readonly;guest;users]\" Configure a share
required arg: \"<name>;<comment>;</path>\"
<name> is how it's called for clients
<path> path to share
[browseable] default:'yes' or 'no'
[readonly] default:'yes' or 'no'
[guest] allowed default:'yes' or 'no'
[users] allowed default:'all' or list of allowed users
-t \"\" Configure timezone
possible arg: \"[timezone]\" - zoneinfo timezone for container
-u \"<username;password>\" Add a user
required arg: \"<username>;<passwd>\"
<username> for user
<password> for user
The 'command' (if provided and valid) will be run instead of samba
" >&2
exit $RC
2015-07-03 18:16:16 +03:00
cd /tmp
while getopts ":hi:t:u:s:" opt; do
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
case "$opt" in
h) usage ;;
i) import "$OPTARG" ;;
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
s) eval share $(sed 's/^\|$/"/g; s/;/" "/g' <<< $OPTARG) ;;
2015-04-12 18:59:23 +03:00
u) eval user $(sed 's/;/ /g' <<< $OPTARG) ;;
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
t) timezone "$OPTARG" ;;
"?") echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG"; usage 1 ;;
":") echo "No argument value for option: -$OPTARG"; usage 2 ;;
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
[[ "${TIMEZONE:-""}" ]] && timezone "$TIMEZONE"
if [[ $# -ge 1 && -x $(which $1 2>&-) ]]; then
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
exec "$@"
elif [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: command not found: $1"
exit 13
elif ps -ef | egrep -v grep | grep -q smbd; then
echo "Service already running, please restart container to apply changes"
2015-01-02 07:03:52 +03:00
exec ionice -c 3 smbd -FS