However, if you'd like to publish your site to the world, you need a way to host it online. This guide will detail how to deploy with common hosting providers but any service that allows you to deploy static HTML should work as well.
> [!warning]
> The rest of this guide assumes that you've already created your own GitHub repository for Quartz. If you haven't already, [[setting up your GitHub repository|make sure you do so]].
> Some Quartz features (like [[RSS Feed]] and sitemap generation) require `baseUrl` to be configured properly in your [[configuration]] to work properly. Make sure you set this before deploying!
Press "Save and deploy" and Cloudflare should have a deployed version of your site in about a minute. Then, every time you sync your Quartz changes to GitHub, your site should be updated.
> Cloudflare Pages only allows shallow `git` clones so if you rely on `git` for timestamps, it is recommended you either add dates to your frontmatter (see [[authoring content#Syntax]]) or use another hosting provider.
> If you get an error about not being allowed to deploy to `github-pages` due to environment protection rules, make sure you remove any existing GitHub pages environments.
> You can do this by going to your Settings page on your GitHub fork and going to the Environments tab and pressing the trash icon. The GitHub action will recreate the environment for you correctly the next time you sync your Quartz.
> Quartz generates files in the format of `file.html` instead of `file/index.html` which means the trailing slashes for _non-folder paths_ are dropped. As GitHub pages does not do this redirect, this may cause existing links to your site that use trailing slashes to break. If not breaking existing links is important to you (e.g. you are migrating from Quartz 3), consider using [[#Cloudflare Pages]].
- If you are using an apex domain, navigate to your DNS provider and create an `A` record that points your apex domain to GitHub's name servers which have the following IP addresses:
- If you are using a subdomain, navigate to your DNS provider and create a`CNAME`record that points your subdomain to the default domain for your site. For example, if you want to use the subdomain``for your user site, create a`CNAME`record that points``to`<github-username>`.
![[dns records.png]]_The above shows a screenshot of Google Domains configured for both `` (an apex domain) and `` (a subdomain)._
See the [GitHub documentation]( for more detail about how to setup your own custom domain with GitHub Pages.
> There could be many different reasons why your changes aren't showing up but the most likely reason is that you forgot to push your changes to GitHub.
> Make sure you save your changes to Git and sync it to GitHub by doing `npx quartz sync`. This will also make sure to pull any updates you may have made from other devices so you have them locally.
Before deploying to Vercel, a `vercel.json` file is required at the root of the project directory. It needs to contain the following configuration so that URLs don't require the `.html` extension:
```json title="vercel.json"
"cleanUrls": true
### Deploy to Vercel
1. Log in to the [Vercel Dashboard]( and click "Add New..." > Project
2. Import the Git repository containing your Quartz project.
3. Give the project a name (lowercase characters and hyphens only)
4. Check that these configuration options are set:
5. Press Deploy. Once it's live, you'll have 2 `*` URLs to view the page.
### Custom Domain
> [!note]
> If there is something already hosted on the domain, these steps will not work without replacing the previous content. As a workaround, you could use Next.js rewrites or use the next section to create a subdomain.
1. Update the `baseUrl` in `quartz.config.js` if necessary.
2. Go to the [Domains - Dashboard]( page in Vercel.
3. Connect the domain to Vercel
4. Press "Add" to connect a custom domain to Vercel.
5. Select your Quartz repository and press Continue.
6. Enter the domain you want to connect it to.
7. Follow the instructions to update your DNS records until you see "Valid Configuration"
### Use a Subdomain
Using `` is an example of a subdomain. They're a simple way of connecting multiple deployments to one domain.
1. Update the `baseUrl` in `quartz.config.js` if necessary.
2. Ensure your domain has been added to the [Domains - Dashboard]( page in Vercel.
3. Go to the [Vercel Dashboard]( and select your Quartz project.
4. Go to the Settings tab and then click Domains in the sidebar
5. Enter your subdomain into the field and press Add
When `.gitlab-ci.yaml` is commited, GitLab will build and deploy the website as a GitLab Page. You can find the url under `Deploy > Pages` in the sidebar.
By default, the page is private and only visible when logged in to a GitLab account with access to the repository but can be opened in the settings under `Deploy` -> `Pages`.